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mixed media on canvas - 150x100 cm (2022)

This painting is one of my latest work and I must say it took a while to resolve it.

This artwork was born as part of the Mirrors series, ​that I developed inspired by the theme of Rospigliosi Art Prize "Visible Invisible". I represented a reflected surface as I wanted to evoke the idea of a mirror as a gate towards other dimensions. Now the reflections has changed into darkness since I aim to explore the dark side of creativity.

At the time I painted it I felt this artwork wasn't completed and only recently I perceived the need to complete it.

This is how it looked like in 2019:

Now it's part of the Shadows series and I do feel it is finally 'resolved'.

I used acrylics, enamel and gesso. The title is a reference to the movie "Alice Through the Looking Glass"

A short clip to give a better idea of the painting


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